Day Twenty!
So 10 days to go until 30 days of Polyphasic. I can math. Which is actually pretty impressive if you take into account the time. 2:38am. That's the extent of my Math however.
So how about a quick update and then some drawing? Okay. Sounds good.
I awoke well, but I'm feeling rather crappy. (Ill) OMG!
So... If you write the word ill..... but with a capital "I" .. this happens. Ill.
The English language is RIDICULOUS!.
And now for some drawing.
Last night we watched Moana once again. Probably for the 76th time, as the clones love it. I drew some sketches of Moana, on REAL paper... from Jin Kim. Who incidentally has one of the best names ever. I drew these sketches above from my memorybwains, and they're not horrendous, which I believe is a win.
It's amazing how you can view your own work relatively. Relative to Jim Kim, my work IS horrendous.... but relative to my two four year old twins, I'm a freakin' GENIUS!
One must keep a balanced perspective however. And in the interest of Balance, I will now draw something relatively horrendous.
See!? It's a turtle with patterns on his shell and his face. He's a little bit cranky. There are also bubbles. (2017 after Jo Streatfeild)